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Cannabis is a plant with myriad benefits, which laypeople, scientists and medical professionals have ascertained is remarkably non-toxic and which contains natural substances which have medicinal value just like any other herb, and many other plants e.g. rosemary, turmeric, aloe vera, tea tree and lemons.  All use of Cannabis is beneficial, and all parts of the plant are useful.  Cannabis is cultivated and used medicinally, industrially, spiritually, and socially by adults all over the world, in all cultures and all nations, on all continents.


Not only does Cannabis benefit humans, but all kinds of animals and even the Earth itself.  It is the gateway to a multitude of environmentally friendly industries such as hemp paper and plastic, hemp fuels as well as sustainable agriculture and natural health that is not only affordable but free with just a little training for those willing to grow and make their own.  Since these industries are not yet corporate owned and monopolised, the potential for socio-economic benefit for all is vast.

Socio-economic Benefits


  • Multiple industrial uses: self-employment & job creation opportunities

  • Open market, eco-friendly industries

  • Easy to grow for industrial purposes

  • Community empowerment through self-employment and community development

  • Eliminate poverty by developing a truly free and fair market, both rural and urban

  • Affordable, carbon negative, fire-retardant housing, easy to make and build with

  • Supplementary income for SASSA beneficiaries

  • Massive global demand and market due to perfect light conditions in South Africa

  • Increase in tax revenue for government and municipalities through income tax and V.A.T.

Minimum annual estimated contribution to G.D.P. in South Africa is $3 000, 000, 000, 000.00: 3 trillion = 3 000 billion p.a.   This equates to a minimum $200 000.00 potential stable, independent income per year for every South African of working age.  South Africa has the most ideal environmental conditions for Cannabis to flourish, making it an unprecedented, unlimited natural resource which can bring massive benefit to ALL South Africans if implemented in an equitable, responsible, and intelligent manner. 

Informing and educating people is key to ensuring this occurs.


  • Over 700 medicinal uses including as a supplementary or alternative cancer treatment, often resulting in complete clears when combined with permanent lifestyle changes, with minimal side effects

  • Super food

  • Responsible self-medication via reputable outlets

  • Relief of government hospital resources and access to primary medicine for people in outlying rural areas where services and facilities are minimal

  • Substitute for many chronic pharmaceutical drugs

  • Easy and safe domestic self-medication

  • Healthy source of cosmetics free from carcinogenic chemicals

  • A multitude of nutritional and veterinary applications for both domestic and wild animals


  • Perfectly suited to the South African climate

  • Internationally sought after local gene pool

  • Easy to grow organically on a small or large scale

  • Natural disease and pest protection - little intervention required

  • Perfect companion plant for many crops

  • Restores depleted soil used as mulch/mineral fixer

  • Many veterinary applications (nutrition and healing)

  • GM Free protein source (seeds) – organic food for all

  • Valuable cash crop in establishing small farms

  • Suitable crop for the young, infirm and elderly

  • Alternate passive/active income to SASSA grants


  • Carbon negative building blocks and hempcrete

  • Replace alien wood plantations, and

  • Reclaim land for conservation

  • Rapid growth cycle means more oxygen produced for longer periods

  • Attracts insect predators e.g. chameleons and mantis

  • Host plant for many indigenous pollinators

  • Raw material for many industries with no toxic waste products

  • Henry Ford's first car was made from hemp plastic (much stronger than steel) and ran on eco-friendly bio-fuel (ethanol) made from the Cannabis plant

  • Restoration of land ruined by monoculture and industrial forestry


Liberate police resources to focus on: 


  • Violent crime

  • Crimes against women and children

  • Drug dealing

  • Ending corruption

  • Debilitate organised crime

  • Re-route massive spending to proper equipment and training


  • Liberate resources to prosecute violent crimes and corruption

  • Demonstrate commitment to our constitution and democratic process

  • Evolution of the law by eliminating outdated and inappropriate laws

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